The original six points:

1. Land reform ( Detailed in the 1962 land reform law )
2. Nationalization of forests
3. Sale of state-owned enterprises to the public
4. Workers` profit-sharing in 20 percent of net corporate earnings
5. Voting and political rights for women
6. Formation of the Literacy Corps

Additional three points, 1964 - 1965:

7. Formation of the Health Corps
8. Formation of the Reconstruction and Development Corps
9. Establishment of Houses of Equity

Additional three points, 1967:

10. Program for nationalization of water resources
11. Program for urban and rural reconstruction
12. Administrative revolution ( Modernization, decentralization )

Additional five points, 1975:

13. Employee and public ownership extension scheme ( Up to 99% in state-owned enterprises and 49% in private firms )
14. Price stabilization and campaign against profiteering
15. Free education and a daily free meal for all children from kindergarten to eight grade
16. Free nutrition for infants up to the age of two
17. Nation-wide social security ( To be extended to rural population )
18. Fight against land & housing speculation
19. Fight against corruption


Announced by His Imperial Highness Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi - Aryamehr, January 9, 1963, and endorsed by national referendum, January 26, 1963.

January 21, 1964
September 23, 1964

October 13, 1965

October 6, 1967

September 9, 1975

September 9, 1975
mid-December 1975

late December 1975
late December 1975